Before, during, and hopefully after account of a Great Divide Route journey in the summer of 2010.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 37: Lava Mt. Lodge to Whiskey Grove

Ride time: 6:09
Average: 9 mph
Distance: 55.49 mi

I'm not sure why we do high mileage days with tons of climbing like this, but we did one today and I'm a wreck.

We had a leisurely morning, packing up our nearly dried out things.  I washed up some dishes and left them out to dry in the sun.  Well, a little something or other ate through Nate's bowl and took a chunk out of mine!

We set out on the highway and made great time, until we had to start climbing on a dirt road.  Oh the skeeters...  They're like the weather--either celebrate them or ignore them.  We've been using the Off Towelettes and they seem to work pretty well.

Anyway, we finally scaled Union Pass (#13 and 9,200 feet), and we ended up in this beautiful alpine area with stunning views all around.  This is ATV land, so we had plenty of company whizzing by throughout much of our ride.  We stopped and made a new lunch combo--potatoes, canned turkey(!), and Velveeta cheese.

We had some down hills at the end of the day that I thought were going to shake the fillings right out my mouth.

1 comment:

  1. I will send another chocolate chip cookie package to you crazy bicyclist in Colorado Springs. More art work to come. How about the Mt. Dew throwback? Montucky is really pretty, and the don't lie about that Big Sky.
    Pedal like you stole something. Love, M
